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surprise behind the curtain!

Brooke reads a magazine to pass the time, but then her friend Tomas comes to the rescue of her boredom when he does a funny little thing by inserting himself between the curtains. Inserting the portion of himself, that is, that Brooke most enjoys! Several inches of himself that she quickly takes into her hands and licks with her tongue, cupping his balls as she impressively impales her face on his large girth and intimidating length. Ah, this is much more exciting than reading a magazine, she thinks, as she leans back while her man still stays behind the curtain except for that important appendage of pleasing gristle over which she swirls her tongue even while she tugs her thong down and plays with her pussy. Finally emerging from his concealment behind the curtains so that he can share in some of the oral fun by lapping at her snatch, Tomas enjoys Brooke’s steady and deep attentions to his shaft and nuts until he blows a big load in her mouth which she lets lets slide all over his meat for her obvious delight!

  • 00:17:58
  • Jan 27, 2013
  • 142


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