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wild for service

Lora is a big, strapping girl at 5’9” in her bare feet, so that means she can be around six foot or more in her most glamorous shoes. Today she gives us a good idea of what any lucky foot slave would be responsible for if he got called into service with her! First she presents herself in her black bra and panties, with thigh-high sheer black stockings and gold strappy high heels. She gives us lots of poses with her legs stretched out in the nylons, so stocking aficionados can get ready for adoration! But Lora is only warming up. She knows that lots of admirers like her feet naked, too! So after spreading her gams, showing her nude bosom, and displaying her pink snatch, she then takes off her shoes, spotlighting her nylon-sheathed soles before removing her stockings and demonstrating exactly how she loves her size 9 peds sucked! Wait until you see her pink-lipsticked mouth wrapped around her toes with their lavender polish! Lora really knows how to tease with her feet, doing everything from entwining her toes with her fingers and the nylons, to rubbing her bare heel against her pussy. You’ll go wild to serve this Hungarian goddess!

  • 00:18:52
  • Jan 29, 2014
  • 166


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