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busty tgirl jessica alves alone with a machine dt543

Jessica is a lovely, tall, statuesque, transexual temptress, with a humongous beefy tongue depressor. We begin this solo masturbation scene, with her sensually stripping, and fondling her luscious body, for our enjoyment, before she sits down, to focus on jerking off, her ginormous cock. She then, works a huge dildo, into her ass, while she lies on her back, in a chair, as she continues stroking her yummy cock candy. Then, she moves into doggie, followed by standing doggie, as the Fuck 6000, our piston driven, mechanical fucking machine, relentlessly drives it’s faux prick, into her ass, as she moans, with sluttish ardor. Lying back in the chair, with her legs spread wide, the 6000 continues, to plunge it’s tireless prick into her ass, while she strokes her meat stick, moaning in whorish rapture, until she erupts in a glorious orgasm, covering herself, with her own creamy cum.

  • 00:23:21
  • Jan 28, 2023
  • 124


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