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jay taylor wanting some good dick

Jay Taylor came to my city in search for good dick. Started asking everyone in the bizz who has that good dick. All fingers were pointing to me (Oliver). I was super excited when got the call that she wanted me to come to her hotel room and give her the night of her life. Obviously I instantly agreed. When I arrived we had an instant connection. We start to make out and rip each others clothes off. From the blow job, to her big huge beautiful bouncing tits, I had to fight the urge to cum multiple times. Finally after she could not take any more dick, she begs me to cum. I start fucking her on her back until I SPRAY the BIGGEST CUM LOAD, all over her entire body. to say, she wants to fuck me every time she is back in my city.

  • 00:15:00
  • Feb 20, 2023
  • 163


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