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stimulation and torment without letting him come

Slave Canvas finds himself fixed on the board by his mistress Miss Yara. The chains keep both arms and legs strictly fixed in position.

Miss Yara also has a reason for the escape-proof bondage of the slave. She wants to fix a ring on his cock. The ring works simple. If you are not hard, it does not hurt. But as soon as the lust makes the penis swell, the pain becomes unbearable.

The ring is quickly closed. Then the devilish game begins. Miss Yara sits down with her soft panties on the slave s mask, so that he has to smell her beguiling scent. Immediately his cock becomes even harder and he is punished with more pain.
But that s not enough. Miss Yara additionally tie off his balls and attaches them to the ceiling crane. She sits back comfortably on his face while gently stimulating his cock.

The pain becomes too much, so that no orgasm is conceivable anymore. This crosses well with the plans of the mistress and the slave has to go back to the cage.

  • 00:19:38
  • Sep 23, 2024
  • 43


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