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katie cummings lesbian sex!

Finally it happened! Can you imagine wanting to be with Katie Cummings so badly because it would just be so very right but everything leading up to that perfect day just keeps you apart? After weeks of coordinating, planning, and what felt like the whole universe coming between myself and Katie Cummings getting together for our special day, the stars aligned, and a magic window opened up. I was once again together with one of my favorite people to hang out with, shoot the breeze, watch movies, and see what else happened between us. There is no denying our chemistry and with two big, beautiful, perfect asses in one room, how could I keep my hands to myself? It turns out she could not keep her hands to herself either.

Just a movie or two into our day and we were making out, deeply, passionately kissing each other. Our hands wandered over every inch of each others luscious curves, pulling at our clothes, piece by piece until they were removed. My tongue found her pierced nipples an

  • 00:27:48
  • Sep 11, 2024
  • 186


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