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female desperation audio wetting jean with me & cumming

We start in the car where I m (Diaperperv) super desperate to pee, wearing my favorite skintight jeans. I can t handle the seatbelt pushing on my bladder. I can see that you also need to pee badly as well... can we try and make it home?! I don t think I can make it; it s starting to spurt out already, making a small wet spot on my crotch. Ohhh I gotta clench. Please pull over so I can find a bush & wiggle out of my tight jeans... You pull over but as soon as I stumble out of the car & stand up, it s all gushing out. I m pissing my jeans!! You watch in shock & you can t help but start letting go in your jeans too. The wet fabric & panties clinging to my clit (and how tight it is) causes me to cum in my peed jeans. I look over and you are so hard in your pissy jeans too. I rub you over your jeans and encourage you to cum while touching my wet jeans. I guess we both discovered a new fetish we can share together!

  • 00:10:15
  • Aug 12, 2024
  • 17


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