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allisson gets diapered for masturbating and embarrassed

Allisson gets diapered for masturbating and embarrassed
Constance is about to go out with her friend but first, she wants to check on Allisson. She hears moaning from her room and we burst in there and catch her masturbating & being naughty! Allisson gets spanked over the knee while Constances friend reacts. Oh no, Allissons butt is all read and even worse, she has to go into the nursery room for punishment. She gets tightly diapered so that she can t be touching herself. Allisson is totally protesting but Constance is just SO overbearing, making her wear a onesie & stay in the crib all evening. When they come back later, they check her diapers and it s soaked so it s time for a diaper change for Allisson, wipes & powder and then diapered again!?!?! Ughhhhh when is it going to end? Allisson is an actual ABDL girl who s into diapers!
Tags : humiliation, spanked, diaper, abdl, diapered, diaper-girl, diapeed

  • 00:15:57
  • Mar 06, 2023
  • 67


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