Some solo trancy fun with this new mesmerising game by sleepingirl
I do read out everything on the screen in the game so if you plan to play it yourself maybe do that first and then come back here after so I don t spoil it too much.
This video idea very much stolen from hypnohedonista who did a similar playthrough video first, so if you enjoyed this do go watch hers too.
I apparently read very slowly, especially when spacey, so this ended up quite long! I ramble a bit at the start, actual gameplay starts at 1.40. By around the 13min mark I m getting quite dreamy and floaty.
Noise warning for about 26.20 where I forgot to mute my computer and notifications stat going off. It s quite interesting watching me having to resurface just enough to turn my speaker off though ?
I finish the game about 33.15, and the rest is just me rambling about how relaxing it was.
Thanks go to sleepingirl for allowing me to record this playthrough, and for making th