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spanking my slutty stepmom

Last night, Nicky caught his stepmom, Miss Raquel, in a VERY compromising position, and he is determined to turn the tables on her today...

Nicky is sitting in the living room, fuming, when his stepmom comes in. She asks why he is there, waiting, and he pulls out his phone to show her the scandalous footage he captured last night starring his stepmom herself. She denies, denies, denies, but she can t convince her stepson that it isn t her on the video. So, her stepson comes up with a solution to this problem that will be good for both of them : he won t tell his stepfather what he saw, or show him the video, if he gets to spank his stepmom just like she used to spank him. She reluctantly agrees, and gets over his knee so he can get to spanking her. He tires of the over the shorts spanking, and has his stepmom pull down her jean shorts, then her thong, so he can get his hands on her juicy MILF ass. His stepmom s ass cheeks turn red as he spanks, then fingers her, then span

  • 00:16:03
  • Apr 02, 2024
  • 183


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