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i wanted to make him wait 066fjh

Hey guys, what’s up? Well Tomas has been calling me almost every day for the last two weeks but I wasn’t until last night that I called him back, I wanted to make him wait. I did let him come over that one day just to suck his cock and to see what he had to say, he knew that he fucked up really bad and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to forgive him yet. Now I know it takes two to tango so he’s only half at fault and I know first hand how persuasive she can be, she didn’t take no for an answer when she was trying to get it my pants. But even though that was the case I didn’t want him to think it was going to be that easy so it wasn’t until this morning when I told him he could come back over. I was laying o my bed flipping through a sex mag waiting for Tomas to arrive, he came in and got on the bed and began kissing my feet like a good little boy. I picked up a pillow and smacked him, just to let him know I was still pissed off and then he hit me right back, we went back and forth before I go

  • 00:18:18
  • Feb 26, 2006
  • 65


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