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coworker sushii xhyvette discovers your diaper fetish teases you

Coworker Sushii Xhyvette is chilling in your hotel room waiting for you to get ready when she discovers an ABDL diaper you forgot to hide... she s confused as to why you have a huge pink unicorn diaper & realizes it s yours!! OMG, she was so many questions & starts asking you. Wait... are you wearing one right now?? is that why you look bulky down there?? Oh... she comes up and PULLS down your pants suddenly, exposing your pink diaper!! She s in shock and disbalief, laughing at this predicament!! She asks who changes you (just you) so she decides SHE will be the one diaper checking and changing you from now on! Yup... she might make you wear the same diaper for hours on end... because now she has the power. You don t want your coworkers to know do you?? Hints of blackmail ensue. Get ready for the rest of your life wearing diapers now that she makes the rules!! (no cumming in this one, just teasing and gentle humiliation)

  • 00:08:06
  • Mar 21, 2024
  • 39


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