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extreme slut training - super nasty black cock whore leah winters destroyed - doing things she has never done before

When she got there I told her we were going to use her like a rag doll, and that all holes would be ready. What I did not know is that she d be doing things she had never done before.
She had her 1st 3Some, her 1st Double Vag and my 1st Double Penetration.
It might surprise you that a whore like Leah Winters has never had those 1st but its true.
Myster Mysterious and I tore her guts out the whole damn night. We used her harder and rougher than she has ever been. She begged me to fir another session back in NYC which was a while back so I made sure we used her extra hard
Now she on my way to SoCal, all 3 holes stretched wide and ready to be used hard in SoCal....oh she is officially a
Black Cock Whore
Tags : anal, interracial, slut, threesome, whore, double-penetration, double-vag

  • 00:52:02
  • Sep 23, 2020
  • 607


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