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a spanking pays for a parking ticket, stepdaddy? - taboo handjobs

I love my life. I go to college, wear the latest trendy clothes, keep myself in the high maintenance status as every hot girl should. You know, nails and toes always look perfect and my hair is silky and shiny. I love all the attention I get from guys. This is all thanks to my step Dad of course. Step-Mom re-married well this time. She doesn t work and neither do I . She taught me the way to get money from my Step-Dad any time I want it. He doesn t bother telling me to go get a job cause he know I wont anyway. Now that I am grown up and dress like a woman I notice him looking at me a little longer than he should sometimes. I don t say anything to my Step-Mom about him leering at me because I don t want to upset her. We both have a good thing here with this man who just hands over his money and all we have to do is be pretty. The day I got a parking ticket everything changed with my relationship to him. I was sure he would just write a check and pay for it like he does everything else.

  • 00:14:06
  • Mar 31, 2024
  • 131


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