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brunettes and blonde loves dick in her dark pussy

Batting lead-off in this solo flick is Samantha Ryan and her big blue rod. This chick loves the taste of her own pussy so much that she spends most of her time licking her toy to get the flavor of her juices off of it right after it comes out of her snatch!Sara Lemos was itching for a fuck, so she went straight to work on a muscular stud with a big dick while enjoying a boat ride on the high seas. Their fucking and sucking synced with the swaying of the boat and it made for quite a passionate fuck, then they continue their fuck on the beach.She is not as dark as Wesley Snipes, more of a light brown mocha actually. But when it comes to butts Ice La Fox has some serious bubble back there. Devlin gets behind her and when that big ass starts backing up on him you can almost hear the beeping noise a truck makes when it goes into reverse. Watch her truck a load down her throat to finish this one off.

  • 00:42:54
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • 43


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