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harlow west gets diapered and cumming with diaperperv

Harlow West was told to wait in this room but she s so confused at what it is... a huge crib? all this weird stuff around? Is she at the right place? a nurse comes in to let her know her treatment will be starting & the first order of business on her rehabilitation is taking away her bathroom rights. She thinks it s all a joke, but nope, she s not allowed to use the bathroom this point forward & will be wearing a diaper at all times. What!? She s starting to freak out so nurse Diaperperv has to push her back & restrain her arms so she can t fight back. Then she starts fluffing up her diaper but she s protesting so nurse has to spank her butt a few times! She gets a diaper put on her after wipes & powdering. Now it s high chair time so she gets her hands and ankles restrained in the high chair & a botte pushed into her mouth. Then it s bib and feeding time & she thinks the food is so gross; she spits some out. Diaperperv finds a vibrating wand and uses it to make

  • 00:19:21
  • Mar 01, 2024
  • 252


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