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stepdaddy teaches me to ride

Your sweet blonde stepdaughter, Harlow West, has never learned to ride a bike, and you feel that it is better late than never! So, you take your stepdaughter out to learn to ride on the greenway. She is unsteady and unsure, and she falls soon after you get started. Your stepdaughter is very stressed about the whole ordeal, and she wants to give up, so you come up with a solution to help her ride in a DIFFERENT way!
You take your stepdaughter back home, and get to work! You show you stepdaughter how to hold the handle bars (her pigtails) as you guide her mouth down on your cock. She is a good girl, and takes your cock all the way in her warm mouth as you pump her head up and down on your cock with her handle bar pigtails.
Then, you have her turn around and take off her pants so she can practice pedaling as you slide your cock into her tight, wet pussy. She rides her bike and your cock, pedaling with her legs the whole time. Amazingly, this type of teaching is working better than

  • 00:16:48
  • Feb 22, 2024
  • 78


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