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delilah davis s boyfriend test - jerk off instructions

Delilah is your girlfriend s best friend and she is going to put you to the test to see how faithful you are to your girlfriend. Unfortunately for you, you are unaware of this when you visit Delilah. Devious Delilah asks you if you are bored having the same girl all the time and you tell her that you are not bored at all. Then she asks if you will show her your big cock. You are weak and you show it to her. You are even more weak when you agree to jack yourself off for her. If she does not touch you, then it is not considered cheating, right? Well, that is what you keep telling yourself as Delilah tells you how to jack your dick. When she removes her tank top to show off her tiny titties, your body reacts as if not under your control. Uh-oh. Now she has taken off her panties! You are concerned, but it is too late to stop now – especially when she mentions how wet you have made her pussy. She remains impressed with your big cock, so she is really excited to see how much jizz you can s

  • 00:08:04
  • May 27, 2024
  • 27


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