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pantsing stepmom - taboo prank - enf

Hi, I m 43-yr-old Sammi Starfish, your favorite real life milf wife and taboo role player. Here is the story line: step Mom (played by me) is in the car with her son. He is recording me and I ask him why. He brags that his youtube channel just got 1000 subscribers and that he wants me to be in one of his videos performing a challenge that is going viral on YouTube. It s the handcuff challenge . But it s only a trick to get me into handcuffs. He cuffs one hand behind my head and the other behind my back so that there is no way that I can touch my pants. Once I am tricked into being totally helpless he runs up and pulls my pants all the way down for the camera. Embarrassingly I am wearing no panties exposing my pussy outside in a public park. When I bend over to try to figure out how to get my pants back up he shoves his finger up my ass. I struggle and struggle and struggle for a long time to get my pants up before someone sees me, but it is no use.

  • 00:08:35
  • Feb 20, 2024
  • 64


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