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atticus fox takes jeff powers and lukas valentines raw loads

Here is part two of the hot three way between Lukas Valentine Jeff Powers and Atticus Fox. They spent time blowing and rimming each other, and Jeff got to fuck Lukas. But now Atticus wanted this power couple to fuck his ass. Atticus laid on his back and Lukas laid on top of him. Then Jeff took turns sticking his raw dick into each hole. pounding into each of them back and forth. Then they decided to do a train fuck where Atticus fucked Lukas while Atticus was being fucked by Jeff. As Atticus thrusted out of Lukas his ass would thrust deeper into Jeff. The pain in pleasure is overwhelming for them. And Atticus was not done with getting fucked. He is a slut to end all sluts. He then turned back and forth and gave up his ass for Lukas and Jeff. Finally Jeff slammed into him while Atticus sucked on Lukas. Lukas came on Atticus as he lap up every drop and then Jeff came on Atticus and shoved his cum deep up his ass. Atticus could not wait to show off his cum bred hole to his boyfriend Tanne

  • 00:21:56
  • Jan 13, 2023
  • 113


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