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foot fetish saleswoman - anal play

Hi, I m 43-yr-old Sammi Starfish, your favorite real life milf wife and taboo actress. This is an anal play and foot fetish themed video with a fun story line. It is filmed POV so you will feel like the camera is your own eyes as you watch. I am a door to door life insurance saleswoman who is dressed a little bit on the slutty side. And as I begin giving you my presentation about your different life insurance options I notice that you are looking at my legs and my feet. And it s no surprise, lots of men stare at my stockings and high heels. When I catch you you look away. But I reassure you that it is okay to stare if you want. Except I m beginning to like being watched. So I take off my heels and tease you with my bare feet inviting you in for closer viewing. One thing leads to another and the next thing I know I am reaching into my purse for my favorite glass anal dildo that I carry with me everywhere. And you watch me as I continue to tease you with my big milf ass and my stocking c

  • 00:13:33
  • Feb 15, 2024
  • 159


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