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kelly leigh amazing milf huge cock pov blowjob and cum swallow

Kelly Leigh. Tags: Blowjob, Deepthroat, Swallow, MILF, POV

When Looks Don t Work Deepthroat Does. The way Kelly Leigh explains herself, there just came a time when she knew she wasn t going to be able to keep a man on looks alone. Sure, she was a pretty teen and even made the pep-rally squad back when she was in school, but as she got to be thirty-something she knew she needed more than just her face and body to keep men happy... and that s when she started working on her deep-throat abilities. This mommy blows best because she is willing to go deeper than most women, swallowing the shaft down to the balls and not bringing it back out until her oxygen supply makes it necessary. She s like a world class snorkeling champion staying with her face in your lap until you cum or she is left gasping for enough air to make it down for another dive on your dick. Go ahead and fuck her face until her eye makeup starts to run, this mommy can take it and like any good housewife... she s weari

  • 00:40:33
  • Feb 13, 2024
  • 52


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