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she wants some young cock!

Blaire is just sitting by the sofa talking to her boyfriend on the phone, she is super horny and desperately wants him to come home to please her. Thing is he is at work and about to enter a meeting. Seeing that she has no other choice, she ends up just touching herself to get off. While she is at it, someone starts knocking at the door. She ignores it, but the knocking continues. Frustrated, she gets up and opens the door. It’s Berry, a friend of her son from college. She quickly tells him to leave, that her son is not home. She goes back to masturbating only to see Berry is spying and jerking off to her. She confronts him outside. Sees how big of a cumshot he left on the window and starts to lick it. She wastes no time to bring him inside the house and have a crazy fuck session. All leading to him cumming all over her pretty face.

  • 00:35:24
  • Feb 09, 2024
  • 110


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