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austin taylor takes my cum in her mouth - jerk off instructions

You came over to Austin s house to do a repair to her air conditioner. You are her friend s wife and she really appreciates what you have done for her, but she has no money to give you. There is an alternative option, though, if you are ready for it. How do you feel about a hand job? You have never been the kind of man to turn down a nice handy, so you accept her offer. She invites you closer to her so that she can pull out your cock. You are extremely turned on and Austin likes what she sees. When she stands up, you see her ass cheeks peeking out of her very short, very tight shorts. You can see her areolas peeking out of her bra. This bra is straining to contain her massive tits, so she finally sets them free. Her soft voice whispers to you to stroke your cock. Austin slides off her shorts and you see her big butt. This is a solid woman, not like those 90-pound 18-year-old girls you have grown so used to watching. You like how she is put together and you suspect that she could take a

  • 00:08:11
  • Apr 30, 2024
  • 44


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