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These ladies want to surprise their man so they blindfold him and start sucking his dick. They bring in another man and let him take over. The dude with the blindfold likes what he feels and discovers a man when he can see! He doesn t mind and the two of them pick a lady and start fucking. Soon the older man is fucking the jock up the ass and the ladies vie with the jock for who gets to swallow cum!Claudia Adams has very large boobs and enjoys the attention they bring to her from horny men. This guy is after her and her friend Darina, so they figure they should get right down to his salty balls that need some licking. Then he s ready to fuck them, so Tisha takes his dick first while laying on her back, before Natalie stands on one leg and takes it like a champ.Jayden Jaymes only fucks with dudes with tastes as classy as hers, so when she met this dude and saw how much character she had, it was back to his apartment for some hot sex. Upon being impressed by the size of his place, she go

  • 01:12:15
  • Feb 02, 2024
  • 54


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