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my step daddy jerks off to me (with sami st clair) - jerk off instructions

Sami is in a bad financial situation and she has come to you for some help. She is your step daughter, but when she offers to let you jack off to her, you immediately accept her offer. You would have given her financial assistance even without the sexual aspect, but this works out better for you! Go ahead and jerk off your dick as Sami watches you. She pulls down her camisole and lets you gaze upon her firm tits, but she knows that you want to see much more of her. Sami pulls her panties to the side to reveal her 18-year-old pussy. It looks so very tight and you wish you could fuck her right here and now. When she turns around to showcase her ass, you know you cannot last much longer. Her round butt is right in front of you, just out of your reach. She tells you that she can t wait to shop with your money. Where do you want to cum, step-daddy, she asks. Maybe in her mouth? Or maybe on her titties? Sami urges you to cum and you jizz all over her.

  • 00:07:00
  • Mar 03, 2024
  • 56


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