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episode #10 dirty and nasty hand job

Welcome to the second episode of this original Quianon series, Cristian Cipriani s office, where daily 100% Colombian Latina models train in the art of fetishism to create exclusive scenes for you. This time, we come from the warm-up episode where Hanna receives instructions on how to model her perfect feet in heels and without heels. After a conversation and a short interview, this Latina gets horny in such a way that she ends up masturbating so intensely that she has an intense orgasm. This video is ideal for true foot fetishists and is the gateway to a multi-episode loaded series that you really must have in your bookstore. Cipriani is one of the most famous directors of Latin porn and without a doubt his scenes are of high quality, so I guarantee that this will be a good purchase, plus the Colombian ones are almost perfect
Tags : teen, blonde, sexy, amateur, nasty, fetish, casting, interview, kinky, original, popular, series, role-play, cipriani, quianon

  • 00:06:46
  • Jan 14, 2023
  • 48


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