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few amazing girls share a cock and dildos

Paige Ashley has always wanted to be sexual with another woman, but she s very inexperienced. Her older mentor Stacey Saran is eager to teach her ways to a lesbian, so she busts out the long purple dildo and has some fun with the fresh little pussy before her. There s lesson in eating pussy, and even sucking the juice off the dildos in the end.Claudia Adams, Darina and Kathy Anderson all like the bartender at this bar. Instead of fighting over him they decided to share his cock and it all starts with some dick sucking. The other girls warm each other up while waiting for their turn with the cock. In the end he spreads his cum around to them all.Nothing makes beautiful, rich women hornier then shopping as you can see here! Samantha Bentley and Harley Kent were out for an afternoon on a very high end block of stores in LA when they got super horny for one another! Leila was quick to offer her breasts up to Samantha, who latched on and suckled them until her nipples were as hard as diamon

  • 00:55:33
  • Jan 21, 2024
  • 84


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