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calvin banks fills up mickey knox with his raw massive cock

Mickey Knox is always thrilled when Calvin Banks makes a ColbyKnox visit. Calvin is a cool dude. Always up for fun and conversation. He also swings a mighty tool. How could Mickey not love a man with that combo? (He did marry Colby). In today s update, Mickey sits on the couch. Calvin is in front of him. Both are shirtless. Mickey kisses Calvin s stomach. When he pulls the front of Calvin s shorts down, a big ol treat pops out. And it s ready to frolic. Mickey smiles and swallows. He tries to gulp it all, but that s a lot of beef. Come on, Calvin encourages. Gag on it. Mickey does. Oh, my God, Mickey says, pulling away. That good work earns him a kiss. You want to be dominated, right, Calvin wonders. Mickey nods yes, returning to sucking. He leans back to be face fucked. Calvin s nuts hit Mickey s chin on each down stroke. Let me fuck your face, Calvin commands. Mickey pulls his stiff prick out, stroking it as his throat is occupied. Calvin throws Mickey’s legs back...

  • 00:29:23
  • Dec 31, 2023
  • 84


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