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step-mom trades one cock for another - yours - taboo handjobs

How long were you standing outside my bedroom door? I can t believe you were perving on me and my special friend. What you saw us doing can t be repeated especially to your step-father. I love you step-father but I have certain needs that he doesn t meet and for this I keep special friends. Since you creeped out my friend who was just here by spying on us, now you get to take his place. You re only my step son so it doesn t matter if I use your cock for my pleasure and play toy. It may seem a little strange to you but then so is spying on your step mother. I would think you would be so busy with college girls that you wouldn t have time to hang around the house as much as you do. Do you have a weird thing for older women? Is that why you were looking at me suck my friends cock?

I m not going to suck your cock but let me see it and at least play with it. As I said, I need special friends and these friends all have a cock. I need cock and lots of it. You won t way a word to anyon

  • 00:14:15
  • Apr 30, 2024
  • 48


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