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step-mom teaches virgin step-daughter to give a hand job - taboo handjobs

I have such a hot and sexy boyfriend. I really love him and would do anything for him, except give up my virginity. I don t think I am ready to do that. We were making out pretty heavy in my bedroom and I was again feeling the pressure to go all the way. The only thing I could think to do is go next door to my step-mom s bedroom and ask her advice. My step-mom is pretty smart about most everything and sure to give me the best answer to this dilemma. I want to keep my boyfriend and I also want to keep my virginity. She did present a solution that I think will be the best for all three of us. She said people our age, college age have raging hormones but guys have it even worse than girls. She said guys just basically need to cum and they don t generally care how. They just want that release.

She suggested I give him a hand job to show him I care about his release and yet enables me to keep my virginity. Problem is I don t know how to give a hand job. I have such a great step-mom,

  • 00:19:19
  • Apr 24, 2024
  • 104


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