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new masseuse wants a big tip - addie juniper

I know how these in home massage businesses work, or at least some of them as I have found from experience. These girls take a few massage courses then consider themselves professionals and able to work on the public. I know there is always one muscle that they would never have a hard time rubbing out, my main man muscle. I do have respect for a hard working professional but sometimes I enjoy pushing the envelope just a little bit. What better way to push the envelope with a professional than to flash some extra money.

As soon as I saw this new masseuse I knew if I laid out a big tip on her side table that she would have to notice and at some point during my treatment address it, which she did. I made it quite obvious by placing her hand on my semi erect cock. She hesitated, like most of them do, but then concluded she really could use the money and jacking me off wasn t such a big deal after all. Despite her constant chatting I found her nervousness endearing. It was something of a turn on that she was so new to the massage business and actually thought because she had an education in body work that she would not be subjected to the ol rub and tug.

As I already know, money talks, always. Once she grabbed hold of my dick and lubed it well, she stroked with great skill, which is why I seek out new massage therapists. Not only did she agree to give me a happy ending she also showed me her perky tits. I don t often get the tits so this was an added bonus to the already heightened massage experience. I actually got quite the natural exhibitionist as she pulled her pants down just enough for me to have a peek at her shaven pussy as she stroked me off. Her smile as she was doing all this for me made the whole situation much less creepy than it can sometimes turn. I think she enjoyed this extra service today and I know she will enjoy using that extra money I bribed her with. To finish me off she climbed on the massage table and had me spread my legs. This was more service than I expected. It took a lot of work on her part but she gave me a great release as any true professional would. It must have been fun for her because she said next time she might suck it. I guess that means next time I will lay more cash on the table, anything to get her cute mouth around my cock.

Starring: Addie Juniper

  • 00:16:29
  • Jan 12, 2024
  • 94


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