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can you handle being my new step-daddy? taboo handjobs

My new step-daughter tries to be such a tough young woman but I can see she is still quite the tiny girl at heart. It is cute though how she thinks outlining her eyes in black eyeliner will make her look like a tiny blonde bad ass. Her step-mom let s her do as she pleases which means she takes a few college courses here and there but mainly stays home and away from the world that she claims just doesn t understand her. Her step-mom went out for the night so as I retreated to the bedroom for some much anticipated down time I was contemplating ways to get to know my step-daughter better. Seems like she could use a good step-father figure in her life. Just as I made myself comfortable, she came bursting in my room all shook up from a scary movie she was watching. I wasn t sure what to do for her so I lay there and listened as she rambled on about the movie, wishing her step-mom was here right now and then the curiousness of my cock size. She says she has never seen her step-mom so happy a

  • 00:15:13
  • Mar 08, 2024
  • 81


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