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step-mom made me eat my cum - taboo handjobs

Do you know how much I dread laundry day in this house? It’s not just the dirty clothes I abhor touching, its the crusty socks that continue to come out of your hamper by the washer full. I know they are crusty for reasons other than you wearing them on your feet. I haven’t told your step-father about your nasty sock for cum rag habit. He would probably encourage you to get your nut as much as possible. Since I am the one who has to deal with your filth, let’s show you how to properly dispose of your jizz, like grown men do. These are called tissues. I don’t care how many boxes of these you go through so long as you aren’t cumming in your tube socks anymore. I didn’t sign up for this duty when I married your step-dad but it looks like I’m the one who has to teach you some courtesy when it involves where you deposit your sticky loads. Let’s get this over with. Go ahead and lie down as I plan to fully take you through the process of what I would like to have happen when you decide to jer

  • 00:15:14
  • Mar 02, 2024
  • 101


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