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hotter than your wife (with river fox) - joi

You can see that River is hotter than your wife. Not only is she hotter than your wife, but she is interested in helping you to jerk off today. Your focus is entirely on River as your hand moves smoothly up and down your cock. She takes off her shirt and her bra and you get your first look at her soft titties. Her words encourage your masturbation session today. River knows exactly what to say and what to do. She knows you need to see her pussy and she give you that. River plays with her pussy while you continue stroking yourself. When she goes ass up with her ass pointed right at you, it is exactly what you wanted to see. You listen to her every word as she guides you along to a perfect orgasm.

Starring River Fox

  • 00:07:22
  • Feb 28, 2024
  • 91


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