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my cum tribute for miss randy moore - joi

Having a small dick has always given you a sense of embarrassment, but never more so than when a pretty woman points out to you how pathetic your endowment is. There is no way that any woman could ever be satisfied with that small prick, but today your blond mistress wants you to jerk it off right in front of her. Get out that thing and start stroking it with tiny little strokes as Miss Randy verbally torments you. You cannot keep your eyes off of her shiny black boots or her tightly corseted waist. Your tribute today will be your hot jizz, so keep stroking it. Miss Randy puts her ass in the air for your viewing pleasure and you almost cum, but you maintain control for now. In a generous move, your mistress permits you to see her naked breasts. How big will your cum load be today? Will you have a big dose of sperm for Miss Randy? Maybe seeing her huge labia will further inspire that small dick of yours? You are now ordered to pay your cum tribute to your mistress, but it does not impre

  • 00:07:19
  • Feb 23, 2024
  • 86


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