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aspen celeste - getting ready for prom

Aspen Celeste s stepbrother Ricky Spanish tells her that he doesn t plan on going to prom. Aspen is shocked, knowing prom is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that she d hate to see her little stepbrother miss. She insists on teaching him how to slow dance, and Ricky reluctantly agrees. Ricky starts to get more comfortable with slow dancing and being up close against his dance partner, but then he discloses to Aspen that he s nervous about going back to the hotel room with his girlfriend. Like a good big stepsister, Aspen offers to help him out again. She lays back and tells Ricky to lay on top of her. Then she says he should move his hips just like he did in the slow dance. Soon, Aspen finds herself enjoying the grinding way more than she expected. When Ricky says that he doesn t know how to be properly intimate with a girl, Aspen tells him it will come with practice. But Ricky needs a partner to practice with if he s going to be prepared for prom.

It s the day before prom, and R

  • 00:49:00
  • Dec 21, 2023
  • 610


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