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making a slave out of my roommate

There is a super fun frat party happening tonight and I need to make a big entrance. I had some ideas on how to do that, but the best idea presented itself when my kinky roommate Dacey comes home. She is always upbeat and ready for a good time! When I tell her she can come to the party on the condition that she has to do everything I say, she doesn t hesitate to agree. Anything for a new experience and what promises to be a good time! I let her know that what she is wearing will not work out for the party, so I ordered her to strip to her bra, panties, and socks. I can tell she is a little surprised but again, willing to do anything to go. When I collar her and attach a leash, she starts to question her decision to agree to this, but I managed to convince her to kneel before me and take off my stiletto boots. She comments on how lovely my socks are and I agree but I need her to check them and make sure they don t stink since I have been wearing them all day. At this she balks and says

  • 00:09:39
  • Dec 21, 2023
  • 103


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