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sitting on santas lap

Ashley Alexander was walking by the beach when the famous white van stopped and Tony Rubino dressed as Santa offered her some Christmas cheers. He had a present for her. She would either get $100 in cash. Or $500 and whatever is in a mystery box but only if she would also use it. Tough choice. Luckily the chance for $500 is more worth than just $100 so Ashley opened the mystery box. Inside was one of those vibrating wands that could make any girl orgasm in seconds. The boys told her it would be completely harmless. She could keep her clothes on, they would use it through her pants. So she got on the bus. She sat down on Santa’s lap. Santa started vibing her. Obviously this made her so horny that in no time she was naked, getting vibed straight on the pussy, sucking Santa’s cock. Being fucked by Santa in all different positions until Santa dropped his Christmas sperm into her face.

  • 01:02:24
  • Dec 21, 2023
  • 559


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