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stroke your tiny penis for me (with lacey channing)

Lacey caught you peeping on her as she was getting dressed. Now she is going to turn the tables on you and she demands that you expose yourself. If you do not listen to her, she will rat you out to your step-sister. You drop your pants and Lacey laughs at your little dick, but she demands that you get it hard. She keeps telling you that you have a tiny penis and it embarrasses you, but it also turns you on a lot. You think she is so hot because she is so petite, but you also love her sexy tattoos. When she takes off her bra and lowers her denim shorts, you see that she has tan lines, which you love. She encourages you to cum and when you finally do, your balls give up every drop you have…all over your step-sister s pink sweater. Uh oh…you are in big trouble now.

  • 00:08:07
  • Jan 06, 2024
  • 145


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