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asian loosey gets overpowered and diapered by milah

Milah Romanov needs to talk to her friend and roommate Loosey Lu about an issue when she gets home. It s kind of weird she s just got a folded up white medical diaper and powder just sitting there. Milah confronts Loosey about her wetting incident on her nice leather couch & proposes a solution where she needs to be diapered in the house from now on, just in case this happens again. Loosey thinks it s a joke and tries to talk her way out of it but Milah isn t having any of it and they start wrestling around on the floor but Loosey is small and get overpowered easily. Milah sits on her & removes her pants and thong panties & starts unfolding the diaper to Looseys horror! Milah wipes her and then applys a generous amount of powder to her privates before pulling the diaper up between her legs and taping it shut! Loosey is humiliated and asks to use the toilet but Milah explains that she s wearing it now. Milah starts craddling Loosey to show her power & size difference, ma

  • 00:13:14
  • Jan 03, 2024
  • 250


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