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janna hicks - the talk: part 1

My stepmom, Janna Hicks, confronts me in my room. She thinks I was pressuring my girlfriend for sex, but it just wasn t like that. A guy has needs. But stepmother isn t having it. I mean, she makes some good points. My girlfriend s stepdad is in a cop, and if her stepfather finds out we re fucking, he could make some big problems for us. She tells me there are other ways to fulfill my sexual urges without putting pressure on my girlfriend or angering a sheriff. She tells me she s going to take care of all my needs so that I won t ever have to worry about exploring my sexuality again. This way, she says, she can make sure I stay out of trouble. But hey, if this is what trouble gets me, maybe I should cause trouble more often.

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  • 00:20:37
  • Dec 17, 2023
  • 203


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