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the wedgie war for the last candy bar

So I was just chilling with my home girl Ziva and we were showing each other silly memes and pictures, when I was craving a little snack. I decided to go for the last butterfinger that was on the table, but I guess Ziva had the same idea. We both had our hands on the crispity crunch butterfinger and neither one of us wanted to take our hands off of it. She grew frustrated and did the only thing she could think to do and that was to give me a damn wedgie. I was in shock I haven t been given a wedgie in years, but I wasn t going to let her get away with that at all so I gave her one back. I thought after I gave her that wedgie she would just stop and I would finally have the butterfinger to myself, but I was sadly mistaken. She gave me another wedgie and this time it was a bit harder. I couldn t believe we were really having a wedgie war, but not to let her get the hand up I gave her an even harder wedgie. Unlock this and see who one the Wedgie War and who was victorious with butterfinge

  • 00:08:41
  • Dec 17, 2023
  • 127


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