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rooftop rump

So My girl Sara Jay calls me up...telling me that she is back in town and wants to introduce me to one of her new friend from Portland...I was like why not, Sarah is known to hang out in circles with sexy ass I set up this plan to have her meet me at this bar...I had almost forgoten what a sexy broad Sara was, this girl has a serious applbottom we are at the bar and walking up comes Jessi, her friend...what a fucking pleasure to meet this girl...What a beatiful chic, a perfect face , a nice pair of percky tits and a perfect meaty round ass...So peep the scene...I got thess two gorgeous vixens and acess to a rooftop on one of the buildings here on Miami Beach..put the two together and we got oursrlves another vintage Assparade Classic!!!So we hit the roof and the girls go at it...both of them with their asses in the air, eating each other out...a perfect ass worshiping moment...Sara got in a cock craving mood, that s when my boy Preston comes up to get a piece of the action....their is too much women for one man to handle...All I can say is..this man is lucky!!!...Thi adventure was great...don t miss it...Enjoy!!!.The dirty One...

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 29, 2006
  • 244


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