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i finally get my bbc award ! a massive cock and i take it deep!!!

Completed my bodybuilding show then had some BBC

I had just finished my last bodybuilding show and I knew it was going to be tough…so I had arranged for a reward at the end of it by meeting @RobPiperXXX online and arranging a date for the very next day after my show was over…. I was so excited to finally see him after lusting over him for a long time given how I have watch him over and over on many of BBC porn videos…. I was finally going to get my hands on that huge cock!!

We get to know each other upfront as you will see (his story is fascinating) but eventually I had to do something about how wet I was…so quickly transitioned from interviewer to slut!

At the end he gives me the biggest load I’ve ever take and it comes running out of my pussy….I’ve watched this part over and over as I turns me the fuck on….Hope you like it as well!!

-Slut Jewels

  • 00:31:03
  • Dec 15, 2023
  • 246


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