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kakegurui yumeko s crazy bebauchery hard

In the hallowed halls of the prestigious Hakkaou Academy, where the elite offspring of Japan s wealthiest and most influential reside, a tale unfolds with young Yumeko Jabami, a second-grade student endowed with extraordinary perceptiveness. Armed with a keen eye that pierces through the veneer of deceit in games of chance, Yumeko disrupts the school s hierarchy with a swift hand and a daring spirit.
The hierarchy, not dictated by academic prowess or athletic prowess, but by the treacherous landscape of gambling games orchestrated by the Student Council. Students ascend or plummet in status based on their monetary contributions to this council, where complex games of chance serve as a social battleground. Victory begets popularity, prestige, and connections, while defeat condemns the fallen to a life as pets — subservient to the whims of their peers, labeled as Pochi or Mike, depending on gender, with collars symbolizing their servitude.
Our tale takes an unexpected turn wh

  • 00:51:23
  • Dec 10, 2023
  • 348


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