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bbc shows the wife how to play pool his way! (full 4k video)

🔥Hot BBC video 💦 Cum on my tits💦
DeepThreat and I met at the Hotwife Tour orgies and after feeling his body and cock during one of the orgies I wanted more 😉. When the main orgy was dying down I was not done!!! So I asked him if he would teach all about pool as the house had a pool table upstairs…..he knew I wanted to fuck him so we did not even pick up a pool stick but I did pick up his stick! 🍆

We fucked right there on the pool table so if you like your sex raw and real…this is for you. I also wanted to feel my body so he started with my ass 🍑…seems they all really love my ass and want to play with it!! I don’t mind……. We were sorta of loud doing our sex and so much that we had others come up to watch…which made me even more horny as I love love an audience 😈!

-Jewels ♠️♠️

  • 00:25:27
  • Dec 10, 2023
  • 172


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