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So we pull up on Blaire and she is looking really hot. I try to hit her with a little riz, but she is not biting. So I try the we are shooting a podcast play. She opens up to us a little bit more, especially when I offer her 2 grand to do interview in the van topless. She tells us she was on her way to a dick appointment. Kai the new guy who is in the back with her, can’t hold his excitement when he sees her get naked so he quickly joins her. He asks her if her dick appointment dick was as big as his. Blair is loving his brazenness, and already horny lets Kai know she is down to fuck. Kai was already more than willing as he fucks her face, then her tight body. Kai goes deep and hard giving Blaire the exact fucking she was looking for. Blaire was so in love with the craziness of it all she can’t wait to come back.

  • 01:08:42
  • Dec 06, 2023
  • 1473


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