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iris ivy comforts older guy by jerking him off

Introducing Iris Ivy, a gorgeous Southern Belle with braids and amazing handjob skills. In this scene, she uses her talent for jerking cock as a way of pleasuring a male friend who just lost his job and his wife left him on the same day. Iris Ivy is always there, ready to make him feel special. Watch her stroke that cock back and forth right in her face. You can tell she’s enjoying it almost as much as him. Iris Ivy keeps jerking and admiring that cock up close, imagining how it would feel plunging deep inside her tight pussy. Moments later, Iris Ivy is naked and wet. But she’s still jerking! She knows her friend is feeling down. It’s not every day you lose your job and your wife walks out. He needs comfort and consolation. Luckily, Iris Ivy is there to care for him with one of her famous handjobs. This Southern Belle lets her friend see her naked body while she wanks harder and harder. Iris Ivy doesn’t stop jerking until she takes a huge cumshot. Now the guy is feeling much better and

  • 00:20:34
  • Dec 04, 2023
  • 125


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