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jacking it for my slutty stepsister josi valentine - joi

You caught your step sister Josi having sex with her boyfriend last night and she wants to talk to you about that. She wants to make a deal with you because she fears that you will tell your parents that she had a boy in her room. Josi asks you to start stroking off as she takes off her tank top and shorts. She stands before you now wearing only a bra and matching thong panties. Her body is very sexy. This is even better than watching her fucking a guy! She is right there with you, one-on-one. It is just the two of you as she sweetly tells you how to work your dick. Did you see Josi sucking her boyfriend s cock last night, too? She has removed her bra and panties and you cannot believe how lucky you are right now. Her tits are small and you want to lick them, but you are meant to concentrate on your dick for now. She asks if you have ever seen a pussy up-close before and you tell her that you have not. Josi happily lets you see her pussy. It is beautiful, but it looks even better from behind. You never knew that she was such a slut, but you are grateful that you now know this. Josi notices the precum leaking from the head of your dick and she knows how close to an orgasm you are. Those small tits are the target of your load and you work out the biggest load you have ever managed.

  • 00:10:29
  • Dec 30, 2023
  • 120


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